Blog How’s the shipping situation from Brazil to USA
In this new video, Fernando, one of Brothers' owners, shares his experience about the shippingp roblems and how Brothers have being able to help our customers in the USA.

With the increase in the value of freight and the uncertainties regarding delivery times and extra fees, many companies used to import from the source are being forced to buy locally for very high prices and sometimes poor quality slabs.
Brothers however have a solution! Through a constant and stable shipping route from Brazil to Houston, we have been able to send containers of our premium quality slabs to our own warehouse located close to port of Houston. From there, we unload the containers and send our slabs on trucks to our customers all over the USA. We even have a stock of beautiful natural stone in our warehouse, which our customers are able to buy single bundles and have it delivered nation-wide but still pay importer prices!
Enter our website now, make a selection of materials and be surprised by our process!
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With the increase in the value of freight and the uncertainties regarding delivery times and extra fees, many companies used to import from the source are being forced to buy locally for very high prices and sometimes poor quality slabs.
Brothers however have a solution! Through a constant and stable shipping route from Brazil to Houston, we have been able to send containers of our premium quality slabs to our own warehouse located close to port of Houston. From there, we unload the containers and send our slabs on trucks to our customers all over the USA. We even have a stock of beautiful natural stone in our warehouse, which our customers are able to buy single bundles and have it delivered nation-wide but still pay importer prices!
Enter our website now, make a selection of materials and be surprised by our process!
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